John Elliott John Elliott

Bitcoin is Fire: freeing Humanity from the Chains of the Past

Bitcoin is Fire: Liberating Humanity from the Chains of the Past

In the vast annals of human history, certain inventions have emerged that forever altered the trajectory of our species. Among these groundbreaking innovations, the harnessing of fire by our ancient caveman ancestors stands tall as a symbol of liberation. Fire, a transformative force that brought light to the darkness and warmth to the cold, symbolized freedom from the harsh constraints of nature. Similarly, today a technological breakthrough known as Bitcoin has ignited a fire of its own, and it holds the potential to liberate humanity once more.

To draw a parallel between fire and Bitcoin might seem crazy, but beneath the surface, lies a profound truth. Just as fire freed cavemen from the shackles of darkness, Bitcoin has the ability to emancipate modern humans from the enslaving structures of our current financial system.

In the early days, cavemen huddled in the darkness, fearing the beasts that prowled the night. The beasts could see through the darkness and take advantage of the cavemen while they were unprotected. The mere existence of fire changed humanity’s fate, granting cavemen the power to illuminate their surroundings, protect themselves, and cook/preserve food. Fire bestowed a newfound autonomy upon these ancient humans, marking a pivotal moment in our history.


Similarly, like the beasts who roamed the dark looking to take advantage of our early ancestors, the current financial system has ensnared modern humans, with centralized institutions controlling the flow of money and determining our financial destinies. Banks, governments, and corporations exercise authority over individual’s wealth, dictating how we save, spend, and invest. We are surrounded by financial darkness. Trying to preserve savings over time feels like going to a casino and hoping for the best. There is no long term stability in the system. We routinely have financial crises. Elitist Central Bankers determine interest rates based on the state of the economy they create, and these interest rates determine inflation and employment rates. It’s an archaic way of doing things, it empowers a select few while enslaving the rest of us to murky financial darkness.


They tax when you get paid, they tax when you pay someone, they tax when you purchase something, they tax when you die. And if that’s not enough to keep you in your place in society, they will use the trick in their back pocket, inflation.

It is never ending theft, it is the reason poor and middle class people can not preserve wealth over time. When they devalue the currency, they are not just taking money from you, they are taking your time on earth from you. They are stealing time you could have spent with family and stealing savings from future generations.

Argentinians have worked and saved their entire lives only to have their savings devalued by 85% in 1 year. In the US we are content with losing 3% per year, that is considered a good rate of currency devaluation. Call me crazy, but no rate of devaluation of your time should be acceptable anywhere in the world. This is akin to slavery and a basic human right abuse. Slavery is being forced to work without your consent. If you do not consent to the conditions you are paid, and you work your entire life only to have your savings devalued to nothing, then you were a slave and spent your life dedicating your time to enriching the system that enslaves you.

There should be a financial instrument that preserves value over time that is accessible to every person on earth no matter where you live. For the first time in human history this financial mechanism exists… it’s called Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the only truly decentralized value system on the planet. It can not be censored or controlled by a central authority. It is our only hope to avoid further financial enslavement.


During a global “pandemic”, Banks made billions off the backs of poor families in the form of overdraft fees. People who were unemployed due to government shutdowns could not afford to pay their bills and racked up overdraft fees. Rather than help these people due to the circumstances, the banks enforced these fees and made sure to collect every penny they could. There was a death ticker on the TV everyday, people were not allowed to work, but the banks got richer and destroyed the credit of millions of people.


These same banks were bailed out by American taxpayers when they went Bankrupt in 2008. The banks are allowed to go broke, but you’re not. The banks owe us all an overdraft fee. Banks make billions when you are broke, the banks make billions when they are broke, our current financial system insures banks make money no matter the circumstances. Overdraft fees are not possible with Bitcoin. Bitcoin will never ask you for money or report you to a credit bureau for not having money. Bitcoin has financial common sense baked into the system.


We have become preconditioned to accept that we will be taxed and our currency will devalue. It’s just considered a fact of life at this point. We are ok with it. But we should not be ok with it.

The government and the banks have a monopoly over your time. This is why so many families are poor after existing for hundreds and hundreds of years. You would think your ancestors could pass down more value to their loved ones. The kicker is, they do pass down value, it is just routinely devalued and is worth incrementally less than when they saved it. The government wants you enslaved to their debt cartel, so you are forced to work your entire life to survive. What would you do if you had the freedom financially to do whatever you wanted? Would you work the job you have now? Probably not. Your grandfather’s salary from 1970 is worth 99%+ less today. Anytime someone can pass down inheritance, the government makes sure it is devalued at a consistent rate to keep the majority of people poor.

Between consistent inflation and constant taxes, the majority of families have not been able to preserve wealth over time. Just as cavemen once cowered in darkness, we find ourselves in the shadows of governments and financial institutions, unable to escape the perpetual cycle of dependence.


Enter Bitcoin, a digital flame that burns away the financial chains that bind us. Bitcoin's decentralized nature frees us from the clutches of central financial authorities whose goals do not align with the populace.

This financial fire offers an unprecedented degree of control over one's stored value. Individuals can store, send, and receive Bitcoin without intermediary fees. As with fire, where every spark was cherished and nurtured, Bitcoin's scarcity enhances its value, making it a deflationary store of time value and a hedge against fiat currencies. Every Satoshi has value and has increased in value over the past decade against every fiat currency on the planet. Bicoin is a bright flame shining on financial corruption in the darkness.

Over the last decade Bitcoin has demonstrated its potential as a powerful financial liberator on a global scale. In countries facing economic turmoil and oppressive regimes, Bitcoin has provided an escape route from hyperinflation, capital controls, and financial censorship. It has offered a glimmer of hope for those locked in a cycle of poverty and despair. It’s giving people the opportunity to opt out of a murky financial system that has been forced on them for generations.

Nevertheless, like the fire of old, Bitcoin's revolutionary potential is met with skepticism and fear. Critics argue that it is volatile, speculative, and environmentally damaging due to energy-intensive mining operations. But let us not forget that fire, too, was once feared as an uncontrollable force that could bring destruction. It is through understanding and harnessing the power of fire that we moved forward as a species and thrived.

Similarly, the challenges surrounding Bitcoin can be addressed and refined through innovation and education. Just as cavemen learned to control and master fire, we have now developed sustainable mining practices and have improved the efficiency of the Bitcoin network. Lightning Network allows Bitcoin to process more transactions per second than our current financial system with payment finality. There is no need to trust an intermediary for transactions, there are no fees for cross-border payments, and transactions can not be censored or reversed.

Bitcoin is the fire of our time, the catalyst of liberation from financial serfdom that has existed for thousands of years. Like the invention of fire, it has the potential to redefine our relationship with one another and break the chains that bind us to the whims of centralized authorities. By embracing this digital flame, we embrace the path to individual sovereignty, economic empowerment, and a brighter future for all of humanity.

Let us not fear this innovation but strive to wield it responsibly, for, in the darkness of the past and the challenges of the present, Bitcoin shines as a beacon of hope and a symbol of our capacity to transcend limitations and create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

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